
Friday 10 May 2013

Upcoming Manchester Music Events

Since Kittencat rent forth from my subsequently tattered body two and a half years ago, you'd be forgiven for thinking I stopped paying much attention to the Manchester music scene. Mostly, because you'd be more than part way right. Not from any waning interest you understand, just that you can't really take a small person to those sorts of events. Yes, I am still a responsible (ish) adult, and I go out less than I did. So no doubt I won't go to all of the events I'm interested in (see the tab, I occasionally update it), but I thought I'd share my interest all the same. I'll no doubt be at some, but if you're worried about bumping into me, chances are you won't, while if you're hoping to, chances are you will. (Avoid gaze or buy me a drink, as appropriate.)

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