
Saturday 20 December 2014

Hey all you ladies (and gents) who worry about your skin and spots and all that shit

Apparently aging is bad. And we aren't supposed to to it. We aren't supposed to get spots either. People spend fuckloads of money on creams to stop these things happening, cleanse, tone moisturise those blemishes away. Creams with sciency sounding ingredients. Creams with sciency ingredients that if you happen to be sensitive to them, they will give you chemical burns - as I found one unfortunate Christmas when my brother bought me a fancy £100 sciency face cream (that he bought from the staff shop when he worked at Proctor and Gamble, so thankfully he paid much less). Turns out (for me at least) fancy sciency facecreams take all the skin off your face within a day and they burn. Much money, much risk.

Over the years when I was susceptible to all this miracle marketing, none of these products made much difference. But here's a lovely thing that does. 1) Eat good food, with lots of fat. 2) Put olive oil/other oil of choice on your face, wipe off (cleanse), then add a tiny bit more oil/shea butter to your face. Your skin will be good, your pores will be clear. Your skin is only a reflection of your health, so if your skin is bad, that means you aren't well enough. So. Eat better. And cover yourself in oil. Job done.

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