
Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The crux of a conversation with Corky

Corky is allowed to tease me when I get drunk and kiss boys, but he generally doesn't tease me so much as light heartedly find out my intentions. Since Cattenberg and I formalised our previously unacknowledged but long long standing separation in March, I have slightly merrily (drunkenly) kissed two boys, one at Sounds and one since then, and I think Corky was curious to see whether any of these things was an interesting thing. The truth is that these days for me kissing is fun, but someone would have to be pretty darn interesting to me for it to go beyond that. And I've only really had any kind of inkling of that once in the last three years, as Cattenberg knows, and I possibly too much informationed when I candidly told Corky also, that it was not for Cattenberg. That said, it wouldn't be worth finding out if it would be a possibility, mostly because I've no cause to suspect any real mutuality in such a crush. And that's all it was/is. Never been one to get madly het up about these things, what you can't have is not worth much of your time. But nor is there any point in following up something where there isn't anything to follow up, whether it's through lack of spark, excessive youth, being in very different places in life, or generally the fact that life isn't currently madly geared up to that sort of thing, and asking someone to respect that they would have to stay on the periphery of my life unless they became important enough not to be is a pretty big ask.

So kissing pretty boys is probably something I'll do occasionally. But it's unlikely that there'll be anything to tell.

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