
Friday, 5 July 2013

Swimming in boxes

There are cardboard boxes all over the place. Some of the lovely boys at university have lent me their moving boxes so I can pack up Cattenberg's things and generally get on with making stuff ready for the move in the next couple of weeks. So I'm spending the evening packing Cattenberg's things, while he is out with a lady. Oddly this seems like a perfectly acceptable division of labour.

Kittencat and I have had an awesome day today. She was at nursery this morning, so I used the opportunity to pack up some of her old things for a baby boot sale in just over a week. She asked me about the things, and likes the idea that we take the things, give them to people with smaller babies and in turn they give us pennies for her money box. She likes pennies for her money box. This afternoon we went to get boxes from the boys at university, then came home and played at swimming, which involved a lot of rolling around on different areas of the floor, designated as different areas of the pool, makeshifting ribbons into the paper bracelets you get at the aquatic centre, and clutching plastic toys, "swimsuits", to our chests. It really has been a lovely day, post bath we had a great play, mostly involving her clambering up my back shouting "I'm climbing the steps!" before tumbling over my shoulder excitedly yelling "I'm going down the slide!"

I think my brief spurt of going out more regularly may be on the wane, but it's not such a bit problem. Life is pretty good, and I can still go out, just in an organised, very very pre-arranged way. But ultimately, if I never went out again it wouldn't be the end of the world. She's pretty darn awesome. We have fun.

And my DVD collection is pretty darn awesome.

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