
Friday, 20 September 2019

The Murder of Sherlock Holmes

The plan Kittencat and I have is to watch all of Murder She Wrote. Kittencat is 9, and I am seriously selling the character of Jessica Fletcher to her, partly because I love Murder She Wrote, and partly because Jessica Fletcher is one of the best archetypal role models for girls and women ever. If you aren’t sure why, we can discuss sometime. Seasons 1-3 arrived today, we’re buying them slowly for cheaps, because £75 in one go for the new box set saddens me, and we got the first three seasons for a tenner. So there you are. KC is 9, going on 19, and has a keen sense of style, and a wicked sense of humour, and I think Jessica Fletcher will be appreciated as the before her time feminist icon she is.

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