
Thursday, 24 July 2014

Current projects

I'm very into knitting on a round right now, so socks, hats, all that shit. However, I have filed all those projects in neat half completed piles as it's the child's birthday shortly, and she has requested many hand knits. So if you have a birthday and expect/want knitted, it's too warm right now anyway, so your half finished woollens will be available later as complete woollens via the magic of the IOU.

Reading wise, I'm reading Gut and Psychology Syndrome (Dr Natasha Campbell), The Paleo Approach (Sarah Ballatyne), Organic Gardening (Charles Dowding), and Madness and Civilisation (Michel Foucault). With the child, we're currently doing a chapter a night of The Little Princess (Frances Hodgson Burnett).

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