
Sunday, 6 October 2013

It's good to know how people see you.

Life confuses me. People confuse me. Late night drunk texts express disdain, you find out exactly how some people see you. And you find yourself thinking less of them, despite knowing that they aren't actually as much of a douche as they're being. And generally people can be quite douchy, when we have stuff going on we fuck up, I know this, I am pretty darn forgiving about most people doing most things. I know we all behave like dicks at times, and as a rule I judge everyone I know on who they are, not what they do. But there comes a time when knowing who someone is is not enough to excuse their behaviour. The way people behave towards you is a display of how they perceive you, and ultimately, who they are becomes irrelevant. The message with the shitty excuse for an apology the morning after doesn't remove the illumination of knowing how someone sees you. And for that I should say thank you, it's good to know how people see you.

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