And I'll swear blind the window cleaner avoided eye contact whilst smirking uncomfortably when he called later for cash monies. Should've told him he'd already been paid...
It's been a busy, unproductive time at Cat Lady Towers. Kittencat has moved into the older room at nursery, and although she likes it, such a change inevitably brings anxieties. Much of my time at the moment is tied to cuddles, and talking to her about seemingly tiny things, but to ignore them would be folly. She can't fully express, or even fully understand, why she's worried, so it's important for me to minimise these things for her, to keep her grounded and secure, and to recognise when what she's saying is expressing something far wider and talk to her about it. Kittencat also had a birthday today, she's three, and has spent much of the day running around shrieking, calling our regular games birthday games and taking full advantage of me being a softer touch than usual. She had nursery this morning, and they made her a cake and a card, and she took a couple of toy cars in to tell the other kids about at circle time, and she was generally a bit spoiled.
I'm going to bed. There are things I want to write about, but I don't have the words right now. I'm tired, my shoulder hurts, I'm worried about people I love, and I'm regressing into an antisocial shell. Not a self destructive alcoholic antisocial shell. Seriously, I'm not 27 any more, apparently I'm more mature and wrinkly since then. But despite rekindling my love of watching vast quantities of TV all in one go (currently on The Newsroom, before taking the timely decision to dedicate some serious hours to The Sopranos) I think I need to see more people again. Thankfully it the start of term in a few weeks.
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