
Thursday, 1 August 2013

I seen you without your clothes on before, never thought I'd see you naked

I've been watching Firefly again recently. Firefly is awesome, and I'm guessing this is most likely why it got cancelled. It's a little too intelligent for it's genre. It doesn't over explain, there isn't mad crazy Dawson's Creek style monologuing about teenage angst. It was subtle, witty, intelligent. And so, alas, it was probably over the heads of the standard audience for sci-fi TV.

Lines like this though, I love. There is a big difference between seeing someone sans clothes, and seeing them naked. Naked doesn't mean no clothes, it means open, truthful, strong, vulnerable. It means being who you are. Letting people know you. Just because I've seen your bottom (or for that matter, anything else) does not mean I've seen you naked. Over the course of my life lot of people have seen me without my clothes, although only once as a consequence of strip high card draw. I think there are even pictures of various parts of my unclothed form floating around Manchester (favour for a friend, not very long story, got paid in pizza), but it used to be that very few people saw me naked. Now, that's all I am.

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