And I want to be at this event at Kraak in the Northern Quarter. I think a lot of noise would sooth my tired skull.
Instead, I am wrestling my tired brain into doing some work. I have a lot to do, and alas the Kittencat decided that my late night at the library last night had to end prematurely because she had a dream or something that exChapcatbutstillverymuchKittencat'sFathercat (I'm working on labels) was unable to solve (according to the intractable Kittencat). So I arrive home, in the knowledge I need some sleep before Sunday's stint in the library anyway, only to find that Kittencat had different ideas. So I have been up all night, subject to the gleeful adoration of Kittencat, and the perpetual "I will give you a kiss", "I will give you cuddles", "I ruv you", "You came back", "Daddy's gone to work", "I will give you a kiss", "I will give you cuddles", until about 6:15 this morning, when she announced that it was time to get up and play. Bloody marvellous.
Oh well, on with the show. I'm quite a way through, but my progress is slower than I'd like today, despite the lovely green pills that have acted in lieu of a sympathetic ear to calm my mind and regulate my existence once more.
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