Tomorrow night, I'm going to see Sparky Deathcap at Fuel cafe in Withington. My sort of new friend Phill puts on gigs once a month as Mushaboom Folk, and is one of a whole host of lovely Manchester promoters who put on awesome nights so lazy folk like me don't have to. He is also, as far as I know, the only one who pretty much always gives away free cake at his gigs. Which is total win as far as I'm concerned, despite the fact that of late they haven't been homemade. Lazy Philly. I think I have a friend crush on Phill. Tomorrow was originally supposed to be Klaus Says Buy The Record, but the line up... Well, it changed. Sparky was awesome last time I saw him so I'm really looking forward to this. Also on the line up are The Shrieking Violets. I've never heard them, but I'm very excited about this, as this is my sort of new friend Dom's band. Dom also co-runs my current favourite club night, Panda Panda, and is also the subject of one of my newest friend crushes. (I should explain about friend crushes. See lower down the page, marked by **)
Although I'm excited about tomorrow night, I have qualms as to whether I can make the distance in terms of staying awake for it. I've been sleeping such a lot lately, and yet I'm still permanently exhausted. I haven't cleaned my flat in over a week, and to all intents and purposes, it looks like I'm living in the aftermath of nuclear fall out. There is stuff everywhere. I haven't changed my bed in nearly two weeks, I haven't washed up since Monday, everything I need to take to the tip is shoved unceremoniously in the spare room. And I've been slobbing about all morning watching reruns of Dark Angel on E4. Yeah well. Maybe I should put on my decontamination gear and set about cleaning this pit...
Also, I ordered a copy of Words Are Dead on vinyl a couple of weeks ago from Amazon, and it arrived yesterday. If only I lived in Portland, Oregon. I could further my non-friend crush on Justin Ringle into mild groupie-ism. Wow. I know he's a bit bald, and has big ears, and looks super grumpy in pictures. But when he talks... And that smile. That smile that happens in his eyes before it even hits his lips. Wow. He's a massively attractive man. Why is is always pretty unobtainable musicians??? Gah. Of course, if he comes back to the UK any time soon it is my intention to flirt with him shamelessly.
** Friend crushes. You know when you're a twenty something girl, and you meet a twenty something boy, or indeed a twenty something girl, and you are overwhelmed by the desire to become friends. But you don't have any desire to get into their pants. Just that you find them, well, interesting. Intellectually. Artistically. The random twinkly bit in their eye means that you think they would understand the funny when you point out the generally considered unfunny. And that you can be yourself and witter, but at the same time you find something about them cool and aspirational, that you can be a better version of yourself in such company. The friend crush is something people don't often understand. Most people become friends through circumstance and the long drawn out process of mutual acquaintance, and to do anything else implies romantic or sexual intention according to the rules of modern day society. But, my friend crush, I do not want you that way. I don't want to see you naked. Not even to laugh and point. And there is the possibility that prolonged physical contact (like hugging) would make me feel physically nauseous. I just want your conversations and silliness. That is, I would like to be your friend.
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